I didn't get any pictures this morning before work, but this is what we came home to. We got about 11 inches of very wet snow Sunday and Sunday night (which knocked out the power for most of the day and part of the night Sunday...we could see our breath in the garage. Fun times!!) We now live in quite a mud bog...I don't dare drive the car out of the driveway because the truck almost got stuck in the mud and we put it in 4 wheel drive!

wish you could see just how deep these ruts are.. about 6 - 8 inches I would guess. Yes this is the driveway.

they finally came today and shoveled off the snow and put up part of the roof .

another view from the back.
well, at least there's some progress on the roof. That mud looks wicked though...don't blame ya for not taking the car down the driveway. hang in there!