a view of the new roof from the back, before the decking was applied

After the sheeting the next day
Now prepare yourself for a little change in the looks of the house....

quite the difference huh? We are getting excited. it is startint to look like we hoped it would.

Thought I would just remind you all of just how different it looks!!! Can I just say WOW!

just another angle from the front...notice where the tree in the front seems to have moved! It is not so centered anymore to the front of the house. Leave us a comment or an email and let us know what you think! We are about 1/2 way done. Any and all prayers you would like to offer in support of our sanity would be appreciated! :)
Hey, there's a house behind all that tree! I like how the focus of the house has shifted out from behind the tree and is complemented by the tree rather than cowering behind it. Pretty exciting stuff... look at that porch! You two are going to wonder how you ever survived in the old house... or the garage for that matter!