They got a little rock on the chimney...

And started on the entryway. What do you think of the rock? We love it! These are not very good pictures. I will try to get a few better ones as they progress.

the new gas fireplace arrived and was installed...

they put insulation in the new part of the house. We now feel like we have ceilings. It is so much warmer and quieter.

We continue to work feverishly to get the wiring done. Dad is pretty much at it from daylight until way after dark almost every day. He is working way too many hours, but we have to get it finished so we don't hold up everyone else. Wish you all were here and we could have a big wiring party for a few days and it would be done!!! :) Sounds fun right?
I'm diggin the new rock! Does it go well with the brick trim? So when does the sheetrocking start?