January 24, 2010


Just a few shots to kinda show you the colors we have chosen. These pictures are not very good but maybe you can get an idea. We painted until 3 this morning (we being mostly Brandon and Dad with help from me and Everett until about 11.) I came into the house about 3 as they were finishing for the night (no we are not done yet but much closer...thanks again Gard's) I thought you would like to see the E.T. look of the place.

We had to cover all the walls so that we could spray and roll all the ceilings! Tons of work..Thanks Brandon, Dad and Everett! YOU ROCK

1 comment:

  1. Lovin the pics mom! and again, well done on the tile job; that shampoo recess looks pretty awesome. The brick i think goes pretty well with the siding from what i can see. And it's somehow comforting to see that nice new A/C unit sittin out there. The colors are coming together well and I'm excited to see it all after the final coats. I'm pumped for you guys to be able to walk out on the deck from your master suite!
